
1 noviembre, 2017

28 – November 2017 Land Matrix LAFP

New deals in the database - Forum on access to land and water for rural people - Land Matrix in an international meeting of environmental engineering students - Dissemination of Land Matrix at the University - Presentation of Land Matrix at the ILC regional assembly - Large-scale land acquisitions and water appropriation - Large-scale land acquisitions in the Tibú region, Colombia - Making large-scale land acquisitions visible in Ecuador - Meeting of the Steering Committee in Bern, Switzerland
1 agosto, 2017

26 – August 2017 Land Matrix LAFP

New deals in the database - Forum of land grabbing and - extractivism in river San Juan, Nicaragua - Training course in the Netherlands - Land Matrix was mentioned in a book - A searching method at farm level - Water footprint and virtual water from livestock exports - Meeting of Latin America Focal Point
1 mayo, 2017

24 – May 2017 Land Matrix LAFP

New agreement on the Latin America Focal Point - World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty - Network members in Ecuador - Capacity building and research within the network - Links with Land Mark and coordination with ILC -Land Matrix gains ground at a local university - Peasants and indigenous communities, in their land
1 noviembre, 2016

22 – November 2016 Land Matrix LAFP

Meeting of the Steering Commitee - Strengthening of the network of partner institutions - New and updated land deals - Dissemination of the Land Matrix - Mentions to Land Matrix in regional documents - Land Matrix at the university - Research on virtual water - Contribution to the Land Matrix Analytical Report II - Country Profile Argentina - Two paradigmatic land deals
1 agosto, 2016

19 – August 2016 Land Matrix LAFP Newsletter

Land deals in Montes de María, Colombia - New deals uploaded - Research on land and water appropriation - Iniciatives to improve deals detection - Training on the new Land Matrix platform - Launch of the “Plataforma Semiáridos” webpage