
7 diciembre, 2023

62 – Newsletter LAFP-LM December 2023

Outstanding Achievements! Latin America Focal Point Participates in the Annual Committee Meeting of the Land Matrix Initiative in Rome. - Participation on ASADES in Sustainable Salta Week! - Impact and Challenges of Wind Energy in Northeast Brazil: Reflections from ENANPEGE 2023! - Contribution at the International Symposium on Agrarian Geography - Land Matrix Lac at the Federal University of Ceara
4 enero, 2023

56 – Newsletter LAFP-LM December 2022

Land Matrix at the XVI Meeting of the Dataluta Network in Sao Paulo - Large scale land acquisitions and forest fires in the Salta Chaco region - Large scale land acquisitions consolidate the historical conditions of inequality in land distribution. - “All-inclusive” land dispossession - ENCONA 2022 Assembly - Dossier 2022 - Bottom-up resistance
28 abril, 2022

52 – Newsletter LAFP-LM April 2022

Comunicate - Latin America Focal Point data campaign - Argentina National Observatory data campaign - Land Matrix Lac continues working collaboratively and broadens its horizons - Feedback to the communities on the technical report by ONA - Latin America Focal Point at the Global Land Forum in Jordan
19 agosto, 2021

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions for Mining in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document presents up-to-date data on large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for mining purposes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This information could be used by policy makers, grassroots organizations, researchers, and anyone interested in land and mining issues.