Boletín 53 – Agosto 2022 LAFP-LM
5 septiembre, 2022
Lucas Seghezzo presenta «Efectos de las Grandes Transacciones de Tierras en el Chaco Salteño»
3 octubre, 2022August 2022

Focal Point
Cnel. Miguel Di Pascuo 2936, Bo. Grand Bourg (4400) – Salta, Argentina
Lorena Pereyra Izá, Researcher at the Center for Agrarian Reform Studies, Research and Projects of the University of the State of São Paulo UNESP, was interviewed by «The Intercept Brazil». In the article, Lorena provided information on the conflicts between the exploitation of wind energy and the associated large land transactions. In her opinion, this is a new arrangement of foreign ownership of Brazilian land, a process of territorial control for the generation of profits that began with the Portuguese exploitation of timber and gold and is currently observed in the production of commodities such as soybeans and corn.

The full article can be downloaded at the following link:
Workshop: «New and old ways of appropriation of natural resources in Argentina».
On Friday, July 8, the workshop “New and old appropriation ways of natural resources in Argentina. Technology, social conflicts and international relations», hosted by the Economic and Social Research Institute of the South, South National University, Argentina. Members of the Latin American Focal Point of Land Matrix were present, virtually, to present four reports related to the research carried out by INENCO. Cristian Venencia presented the papers entitled: «Large scale land transactions in Argentina: Dynamics of their production intentions, investors and conflicts» and «Competition and potential conflicts over land use related to large land transactions in the Chaco Salta». Griselda Salas Barboza also made a presentation on «Land grabbing and differential appropriation of water resources in the Chaco region of Salta» and «Virtual water flows associated with large scale land transactions in the Chaco region of Salta».

Research on land conflicts in Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
In the context of ONA’s work, together with the agreement established with ENCONA, a process of supporting the communities and their organizations in the face of conflicts over access to land in their territories is being carried out.
The case to be investigated corresponds to record number 6994 of the global database, registered in 2019 containing data on conflicts in the community of Pozo del Castaño, department of Figueroa, Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. The study area has the pecualiarity that it has been working for some time with state science and research agencies, so there is a lot of supporting bibliography on the characterization of the present conflicts and the use of the territory.
In this sense, Fundapaz’s technical team has visited members of the Pozo del Castaño community and began the process of mapping conflicts and interviews. Some preliminary data show us the number of families affected, the organizational processes present, agreements established with investors in the area and the presence of other investors that threaten the usurpation and use of their lands.
The data obtained in the territory would not only allow us to update and expand the registry in the database, but also to collaborate with advocacy activities and make the problem visible.

Treatment of law 13666 in assembly MoPProfe
MoPProfe’s Assembly, meeting in Romang, Santa Fe, on August 30 and 31, 2022, discussed the implementation of Law 13.666 in Santa Fe.
This law, which MoPProFe has been managing for several years, was supported by the Land Matrix so that the organizations could develop the advocacy spaces that resulted in its enactment. It prohibits evictions in the province of Santa Fe and establishes a Land Regularization Commission that deals with cases of land conflicts in which access to land for peasants and indigenous people is sought.

Contribute to the database on land transactions!
This is an invitation to organizations working on land issues, academic institutions, researchers, grassroots organizations, government offices, and committed individuals, who are interested in sharing any kind of information on large land acquisitions in Latin America.
If you want to contribute with this initiative, you can file a report on a large-scale land acquisition by filling in a form available here.
Documents and reports produced by the Latin America Focal Point, including an update of large-scale land acquisitions in the region, available here.