
19 agosto, 2021

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions for Mining in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document presents up-to-date data on large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for mining purposes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This information could be used by policy makers, grassroots organizations, researchers, and anyone interested in land and mining issues.
3 agosto, 2021

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Ecuador

This document presents up-to-date data on large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) and transactions in Ecuador. This information could be used by policy makers, grassroots organizations, researchers, and the general public interested in land issues.
5 mayo, 2021

48 – Newsletter LAFP-LM April 2021

Large scale land acquisitions in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, a country perspective. - Latin America Focal Point data campaign - Argentina National Observatory data campaign - Land Matrix Lac continues working collaboratively and broadens its horizons - Large scale mining land acquisitions in Esmeralda’s province, Ecuador. - Research on access to the commons in the Chaco region of Salta
20 diciembre, 2020

Country Profile Uruguay

Uruguay has more than 144 million hectares of agricultural land, representing 82% of the national territory, a very high percentage compared to the Latin American average of less than 40%. Appropriation and concentration of land in Uruguay is a process that dates back to colonial times, and it has greatly influenced the current structure of land ownership. In recent decades, the participation of financial capital in the land market has intensified the concentration process
3 diciembre, 2020

46 – Newsletter LAFP-LM December 2020

Large scale land acquisitions and local policies - Dissemination of research in local journals. - "Land Matrix LAC" at the 3rd International Meeting on Land, Territories and Food Sovereignty - Platform and database training - Land grabbing course- Annual Steering Committee Meeting. - Virtual forum: What is happening with agro-industry in Colombia? - Articulation in research processes. Land Matrix – LAC and EQUITERRA - Dissemination campaign: "Land grabbing from the inside”
31 julio, 2020

44 – Newsletter LAFP-LM July 2020

New large-scale land acquisitions deal in Latin America - Foreign Investment in Latin America: The Role of China and the United States - Land Matrix at Local Universities - Advocacy stories - New agreement - Influence of Latin American land observatories on the process of large-scale land acquisitions - Scientific research collaboration with other researchers
27 julio, 2020

Country Profile Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America and is the world’s fifth-largest country by area. Sadly, however, the country ranks second-highest globally in terms of forest loss in the last two decades, mostly associated with cattle ranching and agriculture, as seen in the Amazon basin, for example, where cattle pastures represent the largest single use of cleared lands
13 mayo, 2020

42 – Newsletter LAFP-LM April 2020

Land Matrix at FUNDAPAZ's institutional meeting - Land Matrix Incidence - Water footprint of agricultural activity in Salta - Contributions to the United Nations Sustainable - Development Goals Agenda 2030 - Land Matrix in ASADES XLII - The environmental impacts and mining concessions in Honduras