Boletín 59 – Agosto 2023 LAFP-LM
11 septiembre, 2023
Asamblea Anual 2023 del ENCONA
19 septiembre, 2023August 2023

Focal Point
Cnel. Miguel Di Pascuo 2936, Bo. Grand Bourg (4400) – Salta, Argentina
Political advocacy in Colombia
On July 27, 2023 was held at the Javeriana University (Bogotá, Colombia) the Second Public Forum: Dynamics of land grabbing and foreign ownership and Balance of agrarian reform in Colombia organized by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Department of Rural and Regional Development and Research Group Conflict, Region and Rural Societies / Observatory Ethnic and Peasant Territories), Land Matrix Latin America and the Caribbean, Senator Wilson Arias and his Legislative Work Unit and the Center for Research and Popular Education, CINEP.
This forum aimed to address two central issues: the dynamics of land grabbing and foreign ownership of land; and access to land for peasants, both derived from the implementation of the peace agreement and the agrarian reform policy simultaneously proposed by the national government, highlighting in the latter the agreement to purchase land from the Fedegan union.
Land Matrix participated in the forum through presentations by Natalia Espinosa (Javeriana/Colombia) and Lorena Itzá (Dataluta/Brazil).

An emblematic deal on record: «Cresud buys land in Argentina again»
Cresud, the agricultural firm linked to the IRSA Group, has completed the acquisition of «Los Sauces», a large property in the province of La Pampa, Argentina. It is noteworthy that, according to the official announcement, the transaction was carried out for US$4.5 million in cash.
Cresud is once again making a foray into the purchase of farms in the country after an absence of fifteen years, during which it concentrated its expansion in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. Its last local acquisitions were the properties «8 de Julio» and «Estancia Carmen», located near Puerto Deseado, in 2007 and 2008, respectively.
Regarding the new incorporation, «Los Sauces» covers an extensive land of 1250 hectares, 1200 of which are dedicated to agricultural production. This land will be used exclusively for agriculture, including crops such as soybeans, corn, sunflower and wheat. The property is located at a distance of 60 kilometers from «El Tigre», another farm belonging to Cresud, which will allow joint management and operation under the same team, according to the company’s press release. The global cost of the operation has been established at US$4.5 million in cash, which translates into a value of US$3,600 per hectare.
In consolidated terms, in the region, Cresud holds around 850,000 hectares for agricultural production, including its holdings in Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.
To visualize the case, please click on the following link: https://landmatrix.org/deal/10056/

Raising Awareness: Our Participation in Natural Resources and Environmental Engineer’s Day
Under our constant dissemination campaign at INENCO, with the firm purpose of highlighting the activities carried out by the Land Matrix Latin America Focal Point Initiative, we are pleased to share our recent commitment. We were cordially invited to be speakers at the conferences on the occasion of the Day of the Engineer in Natural Resources and Environment, an enriching event that took place at the National University of Salta last May 10.
This special day gave us the invaluable opportunity to present our initiative to students and professionals who embark on the exciting path of contributing to the welfare of the natural environment. Through a conference entitled «The Fight for the Earth: Land Matrix, Platform for Earth Watch», we shared ideas and perspectives on how our work together can make a difference in the preservation of our planet.
Our presence at this event adds to our ongoing mission to foster a culture of environmental preservation and natural resource sustainability. Every step we take in the direction of protecting the earth and promoting preventative measures against its exploitation contributes directly to improving the quality of life for the entire community.
We thank the National University of Salta for providing us with this forum to share our ideas and progress. This is just one more step in our ongoing commitment to work towards a healthier and more sustainable future for all.
Together, we continue to be agents of change in the struggle for a more balanced world that respects our environment.

¡Contribute to the database on land transactions!
This is an invitation to organizations working on land issues, academic institutions, researchers, grassroots organizations, government offices, and committed individuals, who are interested in sharing any kind of information on large land acquisitions in Latin America.
If you want to contribute with this initiative, you can file a report on a large-scale land acquisition by filling in a form available here.
Documents and reports produced by the Latin America Focal Point, including an update of large-scale land acquisitions in the region, available here.