Boletín 61 – Diciembre 2023 LAFP-LM
7 diciembre, 2023
Dossier 2023
27 diciembre, 2023December 2023

Punto Focal
Cnel. Miguel Di Pascuo 2936, Bo. Grand Bourg (4400) – Salta, Argentina
Outstanding Achievements! Latin America Focal Point Participates in the Annual Committee Meeting of the Land Matrix Initiative in Rome.
We are pleased to report that the Latin America Focal Point had a prominent in-person participation in the Annual Steering Committee Meeting of the Land Matrix Initiative (LMI), held at the IFAD offices in Rome from October 24 to 27, 2023.
This annual event brought together global partners, representatives from regional focal points, and National Observatories, providing a crucial space to analyze the initiative’s progress at all levels of administration. Furthermore, it served as a platform for strategic planning for the upcoming year of work.
The active participation of the Latin America Focal Point in this event underscores the region’s ongoing commitment to the mission of the Land Matrix Initiative. This meeting not only facilitated the exchange of knowledge and best practices but also contributed to the development of strategies to address current and future challenges related to land management.
We appreciate the effort and dedication of the Latin America Focal Point in this important meeting and eagerly look forward to the fruits of continued collaboration within the Land Matrix Initiative. Congratulations on this significant achievement and for representing our region so prominently!

¡Participation on ASADES in Sustainable Salta Week!
During the XLV Meeting on Work and Exhibition of Renewable Energies and Environment, held in the city of Salta from October 31 to November 3, 2023, as part of Sustainable Salta Week, ASADES (Argentine Association of Renewable Energies and Environment) had the honor of featuring the distinguished participation of Cristian Venencia, a member of INENCO and Land Matrix LAC.
On November 2, Cristian presented two relevant exposés. The first, titled «Land Investments, Regional Land Use Change, Socio-environmental Conflicts, Training, and Academic Production,» highlighted the various research endeavors he is conducting on this vital topic. The second presentation, titled «Large Land Transactions and Forest Fires in the Salta Chaco Region,» demonstrated the implications of these investments in the spread of fires.
These presentations not only enriched the discussion at the panel but also made a valuable contribution to the dialogue on present and future challenges regarding sustainable land use. The exposés underscored the experience and accumulated knowledge in the field, providing a valuable perspective on crucial issues for sustainable development.
ASADES expresses gratitude to INENCO and Land Matrix LAC for their contribution during Sustainable Salta Week, showcasing once again their commitment to promoting knowledge and awareness on fundamental issues for a more sustainable future. Congratulations on this outstanding participation!

Success and Outstanding Participation in the Fourth International Congress of the Greater American Chaco
Within the framework of the Fourth International Congress of the Greater American Chaco, held from October 4th to 6th in the city of Santiago del Estero, the participation of Cristian Venencia, a distinguished member of INENCO and Land Matrix LAC, stood out.
During the event, Venencia had the honor of being part of a crucial panel where he delivered a keynote lecture titled «Large land transactions and forest fires in the Salta Chaco region.» His presentation shed light on the connections between land investments and the spread of fires in this significant region.
Venencia’s presentation addressed the complex interrelationships between large-scale land transactions and forest fires, highlighting the direct implications these investments have on the ecology and biodiversity of the Salta Chaco. With detailed data and analysis, Venencia provided an insightful view of how these activities directly impact the environmental dynamics of the region.
His participation not only highlighted Venencia’s research quality but also underscored the importance of comprehensively addressing issues related to land management and forest fire prevention in the Greater American Chaco. The audience, composed of experts, academics, and professionals in the field, enthusiastically received the presentation, sparking valuable debates and deep reflections on the interaction between economic development and environmental sustainability.
The Fourth International Congress of the Greater American Chaco stands as a crucial space for discussion and knowledge exchange on the challenges and opportunities facing the region. Cristian Venencia’s active participation has significantly contributed to this dialogue, emphasizing the need for responsible management of natural resources to ensure a harmonious balance between progress and preservation.
¡Impact and Challenges of Wind Energy in Northeast Brazil: Reflections from ENANPEGE 2023!
In September 2023, researchers Lorena Izá Pereira and Bernardo Mançano Fernandes stood out with their work titled «Territorial Transformations: Wind Projects in Northeast Brazil» during the XV National Meeting of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Geography (ENANPEGE). The event took place at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) in Palmas, Tocantins state, in the Northern region of Brazil.
This research, a product of a collaborative effort within the Land Matrix LAC framework, focuses on analyzing how the territorialization of wind project companies in Northeast Brazil contributes to the deterritorialization of individuals. The presentation of this work generated significant interest within the academic community, emphasizing the importance of understanding the territorial and social transformations caused by the expansion of wind projects in a strategic region like Northeast Brazil.
We congratulate the authors for their outstanding participation in ENANPEGE 2023 and their valuable contribution to geographical knowledge. This work is poised to remain a crucial reference in future discussions about the relationship between energy projects and territorial changes. Congratulations on this exceptional achievement!

Contribution at the International Symposium on Agrarian Geography
In November 2023, the academic community witnessed the presentation of the work «The Territorialization of Wind Energy Companies in Northeast Brazil: Elements for Considering Agrarian Issues in the 21st Century,» developed by Lorena Izá Pereira. This event took place at the X International Symposium on Agrarian Geography and the XI National Symposium on Agrarian Geography, both held at the University of São Paulo (USP).
The fundamental purpose of this research was to foster debate on the territorialization of wind energy companies in the Northeast region, using elements that allow an analysis from the perspective of agrarian issues in the 21st century. This work represents the outcome of the third year of the agreement between Land Matrix LAC and the Brazilian Network of Research on Struggles for Spaces and Territories (Rede DATALUTA) (Brazil), within the framework of the Land Matrix 2023 project.
The presentation at the International Symposium on Agrarian Geography highlighted the importance of understanding how the territorialization of these companies influences agrarian issues, providing a valuable contribution to knowledge and reflections on contemporary territorial dynamics.
Once again, we congratulate Lorena Izá Pereira for her outstanding participation and valuable contribution to geographical analysis at this prestigious symposium.
¡Land Matrix LAC at the Federal University of Ceará!
In a noteworthy educational gathering, Andrea Suárez, a member of INENCO and Land Matrix LAC, had the honor of being invited to present the Land Matrix initiative to graduate students from the Department of Geography at the Federal University of Ceará. The presentation took place at the PICI campus in Fortaleza, Ceará, during the month of September.
During this enriching session, Andrea Suárez shared with the students the goals and fundamental structure of Land Matrix. The presentation was warmly received and sparked great interest among the graduate students, providing them with an in-depth understanding of the principles and mission of this initiative at both regional and global levels.
Participation at the Federal University of Ceará not only offered the opportunity to disseminate knowledge about Land Matrix but also fostered dialogue and direct interaction with future professionals in the field of geography. We appreciate the university’s hospitality and the students’ receptiveness.
Land Matrix LAC remains committed to sharing its mission and vision, thereby strengthening the knowledge network on crucial issues related to land management. We thank Andrea Suárez for her valuable contribution and look forward to continuing fruitful collaborations in the future!

Contribute to the database on land transactions!
This is an invitation to organizations working on land issues, academic institutions, researchers, grassroots organizations, government offices, and committed individuals, who are interested in sharing any kind of information on large land acquisitions in Latin America.
If you want to contribute with this initiative, you can file a report on a large-scale land acquisition by filling in a form available here.
Documents and reports produced by the Latin America Focal Point, including an update of large-scale land acquisitions in the region, available here.